Can Built-In Plugins (Core Plugs) Be Removed or Replaced?

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to remove or replace any of the built-in plugins (aka Core Plugs), such as “Tasks”? If so, how can I go about doing it? Also, why are Core Plugs handled differently from other plugins, particularly in terms of how they are distributed?

Thanks in advance for your help!

No you cannot. Because they are built in. Why are they are distributed differently? Because they are built in.

The idea is that these are the plugs everybody wants to have because they provide core functionality. If you think that’s not the case, we can have a conversation about what to remove from the core. I’m always happy to remove stuff.

Thanks for the clarification!

From what I’ve read, it seemed that the goal is to make SilverBullet slim and bare-bones. So, I am a bit surprised to see some plugins baked in without an obvious reason. That said, I don’t advocate for any changes; I’m mostly curious and trying to understand the implementation and reasoning behind it.

The software is awesome, and I’m really happy with it. Thanks for all the hard work!

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Bare bones doesn’t mean empty, of course.

Silverbullet is a note-taking app. Things like (check)lists sre rather integral to note taking.

Then the things like templates and live queries and stuff… I just see those as some of SB’s unique selling points. SB wouldn’t be SB without them.

I think the core library is appropriately sized.

Thanks for the question!

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