Install on machine without internet


I’m trying to create an instance on a machine which does not have access to the internet. I tried to copy the contents of the github page from Website/Library into my directory, but i dont think that is enough to make it work correctly? Is there instructions or advice on what files i need in my local directory?

Do you have any other place to install SB temporarily that does have internet? Perhaps run it there. Pull the libraries and then just copy your entire space folder to non-internet connected location.

I should be able to do that. Its interesting that the silverbullet/website/Library at main · silverbulletmd/silverbullet · GitHub folder isnt everything? It seems like having a public spot to download the core library set would be a good option.

Additionally, then in i assume i don’t need to put any libraries since I have the entire library folder locally. Is that correct?

It should be everything. It’s not?

That should be correct. Although you will. We’d a settings page, but it will generated (without a network requirement) if it doesn’t exist.