Key selling points

Yeah, attachments are definitely a second class citizen for now. I put very little effort into making that solid thus far. Largely also because I basically only use SB for text notes myself.

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Iā€™m looking to replace my logseq with SB. I just copied all my 1500 logseq markdown + asset files into my space (took a long time to index!) and things are starting to work. Iā€™ll need to add widgets and queries to make it more logseq-like.

Features I find important:

  • Hacker friendliness (JS extensions, simple query language)
  • Open Source
  • Available everywhere, self-hosted, multi-device
  • No data lock-in (Markdown)
  • Full Markdown support (I really miss this in logseq, which only supports lists)

Whatā€™s missing:

  • Search! Needs to be fast and at least show the matching block or snippet of text, with links. (Question: could I write an extension to use ripgrep and parse the results? That might be good enough. It can output json.)
  • Improve support for Images and attachments (logseq does this well)
  • Logseq is optimized for journal-based workflows; I donā€™t know if I can get there with SB. Working on it. If not, this would be a showstopper. (To do: show N recent journal pages below current, ensure theyā€™re easily accessible)
  • Sidebars? I know I can open another page in another window (no tabs in PWA), but opening a page in a sidebar can be very helpful. ā€œRecent pagesā€ list in sidebar is helpful.
  • Emacs keybindings :slight_smile:

For me your deprioritize list is reasonable. I use SB as my personal knowledge base so Iā€™m not sharing it with anyone else. I love that itā€™s self hosted and, as a programmer, I fully understand the big hole you can dig for yourself trying to satisfy everyoneā€™s UIs tastes! I also suck at UIs but a big attraction of SB for me is the clean, no fuss interface.

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I found and started using SilverBullet six days ago, after previously using Logseq - before Logseq, I was using Joplin.

What I immediately liked about SilverBullet

  • Actively maintained, self-hosted, FOSS Markdown notes (with the option for a local web server)
  • Web-based with a PWA
  • Space Script + live queries and templates
  • The customizable start page
  • Not focused on collaboration/teams (I do think Federation seems interesting)

What Iā€™m still exploring

  • Custom commands/shortcuts (i.e., what would be useful to me)

What I needed a bit of time to understand

  • Expression Language vs. Query Language vs. Template Language

What I would like to see improve

  • Search (as described in earlier posts)
  • Persisting the state of outlines (folded or unfolded)
  • Nice to have: End-to-end encryption
  • Lower priority: Other themes or increased ease of modifying specific components like bullet points (Iā€™m fairly happy with what I have now via Space Style though)
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I miss it too! So when I open up Search with Ctrl + Shift + F and press a few keys, Iā€™d like to actually see the results with context (like grep -context 4 does) before choosing any of the results.