Tags can't start with a numeral

I’m trying to implement something akin to the Johnny Decimal system. I tried using folders, but it was too cumbersome. So I switched to using tags. The problem is that the system relies on numerical identifiers (This is important, as the numeric ids are consistent regardless of whether its a silverbullet note, or an email folder, or a folder on my computer). So I have things like 01-Inbox.
While this works, it doesn’t work well. Tags that start with a number aren’t highlighted and displayed as a tag, and SB won’t autocomplete these tag names.
Is it possible to have tags that start with a numeral treated like a normal tag? I assume the issue is caused by the desire to indicate a number with hash, like #3, without it being a tag.

Feel free to create a Github issue for this. I’m trying to recall why I excluded numbers explicitly from tag names. Honestly… I don’t remember.

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Will do, thanks.