Towards SilverBullet 1.0

That’s exactly it! thanks!

  1. Other thing I miss from jetbrains world is CamelHump search:
CamelHumps is a feature that identifies parts of compound names composed according to CamelCase, where each part starts with a capital letter, or when parts of a compound name are separated by underscores. You can type only initial letters of these parts, and JetBrains Rider will find items with matching names automatically.
  1. Also, every time I have to create a new note it takes longer than I would like because I have to type the full note path/name. Maybe we could have a 2 step process where 1st we would decide the path, here we can have autocomplete tools, and then we type the note name.

Anyway, SB is already a great tool, thank you maintainers for all the work!