OK, I did some progress and I think I get at least some part of how to work with the data, at least all objects having text item (paragraphs, items, tasks, etc.). Here is a more complex example and test page. @zef Additional questions are at the bottom of this post.
objects = objects or {}
objects.meta = objects.meta or {}
function objects.meta.tagged(objectName, tagName)
local ret = {}
for obj in query[[from tag(objectName)]] do
if obj.tags != nil then
for _, tgn in ipairs(obj.tags) do
if tagName != nil then
if tgn == tagName then
table.insert(ret, obj)
table.insert(ret, obj)
return ret
function objects.meta.render(metaTable, renderFormat)
local ret = ''
for _, obj in ipairs(metaTable) do
if obj.text != nil then
ret = ret .. obj.text
ret = ret .. ' (*[Ref.](</' .. obj.ref .. '>)*)\n\n'
return {[renderFormat or 'markdown'] = ret}
A testing page with some tagged paragraphs.
# Tagged paragraphs
This is a #TEST paragraph.
Untagged paragraph.
Here is another paragraph with two #TEST-TEST tags. #TEST
Another untagged paragraph.
This is another #TEST-TEST tagged paragraph.
#TEST And yet another paragraph.
A listing page that lists the paragraphs by the tags.
# Listed paragraphs
## Tagged with #TEST
${objects.meta.render(objects.meta.tagged('paragraph', 'TEST'))}
## Tagged with #TEST-TEST
${objects.meta.render(objects.meta.tagged('paragraph', 'TEST-TEST'))}
Looks good and it works! Maybe it could be done better, e.g. using the templates and so on. I just place it here for people trying to dig into their data from the Lua. I hope it can help somebody.
What’s missing?
I still don’t know a way to read page content.Solved - see below.How can I pass function argument intotag()
inside thequery[[]]
block? I want to have generalizedlistObjectsByTag(objectName, tagName)
function rather than few for all the objects withtext
field in metadata…
Updated, see above. Supr easy! Justtag(objectName)
inside thequery[[]]