Who's using Online mode?

I use both modes, mostly Online mode because it takes me several minutes (~5m) in my laptop to sync my space, which is not that big:
857 total pages in space.

I use Silverbullet online mode almost exclusively because I move workstations regularly and need to be able to access both my tasks (through Todoist) and notes (through Silverbullet) quickly wherever I am. Having to wait 5-10 mins for a sync as opposed to accessing information immediately makes the tool not useful for me due to the pace of my work.

If Sync mode was able to download the rest of the space in the background while prioritising what I’m trying to view at that moment - that would probably be fine. But I’m not sure how practical that is and I appreciate I’m an edge case.

I use Sync Mode to check my notes at the office, the domain I’m using is blocked in the office’s network, I sync everithing once I’m in my house, but for my personal devices (phone and tablet) I like to use Online mode since I don’t want to download everything on my mobile devices, actually my reason to move away from obsidian was that I couldn’t access to my notes without sync everything to a computer.

I have a laptop and desktop that access the same notebook and its trivial for me to keep a server up that both reach all the time.

I don’t need nor expect to access them from a foreign device.

Would be OK adopting a sync mode if I could be assured of what happens when there’s a conflict.

I run the server locally on my mini-pc, the same one that I use to access it, so I don’t ever need to sync, even though I’m accessing it over http (on the same machine).

Alright. Let’s keep both modes for now :slightly_smiling_face:


I love using SilverBullet and have saved lots of important data with it. I’m currently using online modes. I like the flexibility and the ease of using the PWA across devices.

To keep it secure, I use Cloudflare Zero Trust for the online mode and back up data with Syncthing. it’s encrypted and synced to my computer in case anything crashes.

A little late to the party here but just chiming in because I am one of the “Online Only” people and I feel we need to be vocal just because from this post it’s clear that the function may be at risk.

While in general I’m somewhat ambivalent, as long as everything is working, I am a very intermittent note taker and I am easily distracted. I access via Tailscale on my phone whenever it occurs to me. I might be mid-sentence when I switch to my laptop or close the browser because I got a notification about something else. This has created problems in the past with sync mode and even if those things have been addressed I’m sure I could find a way to break them by just being a chaotic user.

At some point I completely borked the whole notebook clicking the sync button at the wrong time and rather than deeper troubleshooting I just reinstalled and copied over some .md files from back up. Since then I ONLY go to sync mode when I know I won’t have internet which is very rare.

I use online-mode, but primarily as part of the “Read-only public site” workflow/use-case. I would be very sad if it was removed without a workaround for this because the sync-mode is not very good for sharing notes with non-SB users

Sync-Mode did destroy my note, basically, twice now already. I enabled Sync-Mode on my mobile, updated it to reflect recent changes.

Then I did some changes in online-mode on my computer. I did rename some pages, though. Then I visited the site on my mobile again and suddenly my mobile created the older pages again and overwrote my custom index page …

That’s why I do not like to use the sync mode at all. )=