0.7.5: the one with the new sharing

I’m starting a new job tomorrow, so let’s get this smaller update out the door before I’m snowed under. This one’s changelog is quicker to post on Discourse because of the new sharing feature!

  • Share using the Share: Page Or Selection command (bound to Ctrl-s/Cmd-s by default): allowing you to quickly share the current page (or selection) to the clipboard as:
    • Clean markdown (to paste into other markdown supporting tools)
    • Rich text (to paste into unenlightened rich text tools like Google Docs, Confluence, Word etc.)
  • Various improvements in tests and input checks (by Maks here and here)
  • Better sizing of the top bar (was buggy before and poorly implemented) (by onespaceman)
  • Hashtag can now contain more different characters, including emoji (by Matthew Pietz)
  • New Space Script APIs: registerAttributeExtractor and registerEventListener

I am getting these errors when trying to save the page as rich text, no matter what page it is, in Firefox (linux):

Chrome seems to work though

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Just wanna say congrats on the new job and thanks for the unpaid work you do putting SilverBullet out


Can confirm on Firefox, macOS Ventura, running into the same issue when I try to copy rich text.

Right, it seems you have to manually enable it in Firefox still https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Is-clipboarditem-supported-MJa.LPBaQxSHWQn5jpfjBA