0.8.4: The one with a bunch of things

Ok, enough fixes and additional features have been added to warrant another release. Let’s do this!

  • Page Picker#Keyboard shortcuts: allow folder completion using Shift-Space (by Marek S. Łukasiewicz)
  • New Page Decorations: ability to hide pages from the page picker and auto complete (by Marek S. Łukasiewicz)
  • The Expression Language now supports decimal numbers :exploding_head: (e.g. 3.14)
  • Non-existing pages that have been previously linked to (so effectively: broken links) now appear in the Page Picker (with a “Create page” hint) as well as in Links auto complete (marked as “Linked but not created”). This should make it easier to “fill in the gaps”: you can liberally create page links, and create those pages later easily via the page picker.
  • Updated the Quick Note template to now use a (Windows and Android) naming pattern using the new safeTime function, also tweaked the naming pattern slightly (put a / in between the date and time so that these are organized by date), updated Quick Notes to show full path. Please update your Libraries using Libraries: Update.
  • New Space Script feature: Space Script#Custom HTTP endpoints: create custom endpoints on your SilverBullet server (under the /_/ prefix).
  • Added Ruby Syntax Highlighting (by Bo Jeanes)
  • Fix: Due to some race conditions some situations pages would disappear from the index (e.g. from the Page Picker), this should now be fixed
  • New SETTINGS: pwaOpenLastPage and useSmartQuotes (latter by Marek S. Łukasiewicz)
  • Fix: CORS issues in Firefox (admonition related) (by onespaceman)
  • Technical: Did another round of dependency upgrades and cleaned up some dead code.