Better Tasks

So I’ve been trying to export tasks as an ics file over http endpoints, which works great so far, but I’ve hit a point where I don’t exactly know what to do with that capability.

That’s basically what you can do (Sry for the german). The problem now is that the current builtin task plug is very limited, which in return limits the capabilities of a possible ics plug.
So I’m open to ideas now as to how the tasks ecosystem could be improved? We could mimic what obsidian tasks does in a separate plug or maybe something completely different? Maybe someone already has a space-script with a nice workflow. Idk, but Im open to ideas.

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Is there any way to complete tasks this way? I mean from a client supporting this, back to SB?

No this is only goes from silverbullet to client only. It just exposes a read-only ics file basically. You can have a direct link to the page of the silverbullet instance, to quickly modfiy it tho. If you want to directly modify it through the app, one would have to use something like caldav, which adds a lot of complexity. (And I also don’t think that is something supported by events. There are also todos, but they don’t really seem to be widely adopted)

Migrating from Obsidian-Tasks has some helpful space scripts around tasks to handle them more similar to Obsidian Tasks. It might give you an idea of other attributes to support.

What I’d really love is a way to view and edit/complete tasks in another client. I don’t have a good suggestion though because even clients that support caldav VTODOs are usually not great imo. And there isn’t really another “standard” todo/task api to add support for.

When I originally saw you mention caldav, I was thinking it’d be cool to have silverbullet act as a caldav client and sync to/from something like nextcloud. (Instead of itself being a caldav server)

But I’m unsure what I’d use another client for. If I want to open another app, Id just open silverbullet. I was looking into this to integrate it into my phone better (Siri, Widgets, Sharing, etc.).
Making silverbullet the client here would also pose a lot of new problems. Where do you put the tasks/events? Do you index them? …

Hmm, if I think about why i would want to use another app (for tasks), I think it comes down to:

  • notifications/alarms
  • sharing things like grocery lists with my wife
  • quicker to add a new task (e.g. share from one app to another to create the task)

I think your solution of exposing an ics file would cover the notifications part.

Making silverbullet the client here would also pose a lot of new problems. Where do you put the tasks/events? Do you index them? …

Existing tasks already get indexed iirc, but it would be weird trying to figure out where you put new tasks without imposing some sort of convention on the user :thinking:

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