Is there, or can there, be a way to connect my Google calendar to SB, so that when I create a new daily Journal page, my events are pulled over from my calendar for that day?
Not that I know of. Nobody built this yet.
I wish I had the skills!
Some hints for a possible approach using Spacescript:
You could use the private ical address of your calendar to fetch the calendar data or use the API (probably more involved with authentification)
API: Events | Google Calendar | Google for Developers
There is also this JS library to parse ical data: GitHub - kewisch/ical.js: Javascript parser for ics (rfc5545) and vcard (rfc6350) data
I would imagine the ical address would be enough since I am only looking to display the data, not interact with it.
I think Plug: iCalendar query provider should be enough for that. Since putting events in the Journal would be a fairly typical use case, I’d be happy to reference your setup in the Plug documentation if you’re still interested in it.