Is there any simple way to make the page table queried clickable?
I have currently implemented my requirement using a template, but it seems a bit complicated. Actually, I hope that by default, the “name” part is clickable.
{{#let @Pages = {page where area = "food" select name, area}}}
| name | area |
{{#each @Pages}}
| [[{{name}}]] |{{area}} |
You could “simplify” it by making a template that you use to render your querry. It’s not necessarily simplified, but definitely easier to reuse for different areas.
First you prepare a template with the following content:
| Name | Area |
{{#each .}}
| [[{{name}}]] |{{area}} |
And then you can use the following querry:
where area = "food"
render all [[path-to-template]]
But now that I wrote this down, I realized you probably want dynamic column based on what you select in the querry? In that case, I’m not sure if it’s something that can be achieved.
It would indeed be nice to have some way to customize the default template used to render the queries.