Change "homepage" keep/hide starter page

Hello all!

Just started with SB, and by that I mean just started it up in the last few days.

It took me way longer than I’d like to admit to figure out how to add a plug, so I am making this to ask for a quick help.

I want to make a new “home” page, but I still want to be able to find/go back to the starter page to look for/at tips and stuff.

How could I do this?

Welcome @docfips

Some ideas:

  • If the content is your main concern, just copy-paste it to another page and modify the index/home page
  • use the docs like or as reference
  • if you want to keep the index page as is, you can go to the settings (CTRL + / and search for Navigate: open SETTINGS) and modify the line indexPage: "[[index]]" e.g. to indexPage: "[[home]]". Page /home would be your new main/home page and /index has the original content of your start page


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Thank you…

I swear, my brain usually isn’t this smooth… Ugh…

I do appreciate it.

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