Hi, I discovered silverbullet a few weeks ago and it was love on first sight
Currently I am exploring space-lua, and I came up with a command to modify page attributes:
command.define {
name = "Page: Set Attribute",
run = function(a)
local data = a[1]
local mypath = data.page or _CTX.currentPage.name
local myattr = data.attribute or "foo"
local myvalue = data.value or 0
local mychange = data.change or 0
local mypage = space.read_page(mypath)
local oldline = "[%[]%s*" .. myattr .. "%s*:%s*%w+%s*]"
local oldval = nil
local newline = "[" .. myattr .. ":" .. myvalue .. "]"
local newpage = ""
local matches = string.match(mypage,oldline).values
if matches[1] then
local oldval = tonumber(string.match(matches[1],"%d+").values[1])
if oldval and mychange != 0 then
newline = "["..myattr .. ":" .. oldval+mychange .. "]"
newpage = string.gsub(mypage,oldline,newline,1)
newpage = mypage.."\n"..newline
if mypath == _CTX.currentPage.name then
This can then be used as a command button to set or change attributes of the current page:
{[Page: Set Attribute|Reset Stars]({"attribute": "stars","value": 0})}
{[Page: Set Attribute|Add Star]({"attribute": "stars","change":1})}
or any other page:
{[Page: Set Attribute|Reset Stars on test]({"page": "test","attribute": "stars","value": 0})}
{[Page: Set Attribute|Add Star on test]({"page": "test","attribute": "stars","change": 1})}
It really shines when parametrized in a template:
{{#each {page where stars and stars>=0} }}
* [[{{name}}]]: ⭐{{stars}} {[Page: Set Attribute|Add Star]({"page": "{{name}}","attribute": "stars","change": 1})}
this renders to:
Maybe this is useful for someone. Have fun!