Create Mermaid based on query data

I am trying to create mermaid diagrams based on data retrieved by a query. I struggle with the “inline mermaid code block” that I need to define inside the template block somehow. Has anybody done this?

This works:
flowchart LR
This does not:

Some Data:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz

flowchart LR
{{#each @item in {item where page =}}}

(I replaced tripple backticks with 2 backticks, otherwise the forum will not display the md properly)

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I’m guessing the expectation here is the mermaid chart would render out probably using github:silverbulletmd/silverbullet-mermaid/mermaid.plug.js (it is currently just text). This would be neat even for templating out programming language code examples.

@zef Thanks for the hint with ~~~. I updated the original post to contain the exact syntax now

Indeed I am trying to achieve what @meain was describing: Rendering a diagram that was generated based on data returned by a silverbullet query.

This is only one example (using mermaid plug) - however, I have several other use cases that would require a code block that is generated using a template to be handled the same as a ‘static’ code block.