So, here is my ‘idea’
I’d like to make a table where I can events or birthdays in one column, and in the other have the days but count down each day.
Event | Days until |
Person Birthday | Days left until |
Upcoming Event | Days left until |
Another person birthday | Days left until |
| Event | Days until |
| ---- | --- |
| Person Birthday | Days left until |
| Upcoming Event | Days left until |
| Another person birthday | Days left until |
I’ve been dabbling with this:
silverbullet.registerFunction("daysTillDate",(date) => {
const parsedDate = Temporal.PlainDate.from(date)
const now = Temporal.Now.plainDateISO();
return now.until(parsedDate, { largestUnit: 'days' }).days
but I can’t figure out how to make things work in the table.