Hey everyone! Looking for some help on how to get my Silverbullet in the cloud the correct way. I would like to get it live via Coolify or Deno Deploy.
I was trying Deno Deploy, but when I follow the guide I keep running into this error on iTerm
error: Relative import path "@std/fmt/colors" not prefixed with / or ./ or ../
at https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/deployctl.ts:9:33
I would not recommend using the Deno deploy method (I just marked this in the original post as well). I think nobody’s using it and I have no time to maintain or keep resolving issues with it.
Just to make an attempt at solving the issue anyway: are you sure you’re using a recent version of Deno (2.1) and a recent version of deno deploy? I just googled and noticed that the way to install deployctl these days is:
deno install -gArf jsr:@deno/deployctl
Perhaps try that and it works? I’ve also updated the original post with this.