I’d like to take a stab at adding footnotes support in silverbullet. Perusing over the code yesterday, it seems that I’d have to start from Codemirror as support is seemingly lacking there. And thus add it to lezer-markdown which is the underlying library used for parsing.
Does that sound about right?
I’d also be interested in tweaking the link rendering a bit. I’ve gotten into the habit of opening pages in incognito mode, but use silverbullet as a PWA so I need to somehow find a way to copy the url. Right now it seems there’ s a mouseup event that fires on right clicks too which makes things more cumbersome for me, so I was thinking to write a space-script to add some button next to external links somehow; it seems though that I can’t do that within the editor.
Ah neat, thanks for the pointer! This would be for the markdown preview though right? I don’t use this as much, I mostly rely on the editor view which is good enough for me tbh. That would require Codemirror changes to support footnotes (it seems Codemirror uses the same library anyway so it’s not lost on me).
On the other point, is there a way to customize the editor directly too (say adding a short icon/button next to links which is what I’d like to do (or change the behaviour of links altogether)?