Fresh install libraries not working

Just created a new instance and when updating libraries it says downloaded 1 and updated 33, but all the nice stuff is not working such as table of content and linked mentions.

Other running instances also broke when updating the libraries. For example I am now missing the pages:


It looks when updating the library those pages got removed?
Any suggestions?

version: “3.3”
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- 2302:3000
- ./space:/space
image: zefhemel/silverbullet
restart: unless-stopped
networks: {}

That’s odd. One thing to remember is that there is now a Meta Picker (Cmd-Shift-k or Ctrl-Shift-k) that shows all templates and meta pages. And the Maintenance page is now a meta page so it’s only visible there. Do you see those templates there?

And can you show what you have in your SETTINGS under the libraries key?

If your upgrading be sure to copy over the default for this libraries key from here: SETTINGS


indexPage: index

# Hide the sync button
hideSyncButton: true

# Load custom CSS styles from the following page, can also be an array
customStyles: "[[STYLES]]"

- import: "[[!*]]"

# Configure the shown action buttons (top right bar)
- icon: home # Use any icon from
  command: "{[Navigate: Home]}"
  description: "Go to the index page"
- icon: calendar
  command: '{[Notes: Today]}'
  description: Today
- icon: message-circle
  description: "Community"
  command: '{[Navigate: To URL]("")}'
- icon: book
  command: "{[Navigate: Page Picker]}"
  description: Open page

These are the only templates I find when ctrl+shift+k


Furthermore, on the fresh install, I do see the templates but not table of content or linked mentions.

Very odd. Can you run the library update again and have a look at the server logs to see if there’s anything suspicious going on there? It should list all the library files as it’s downloading.

Weird, when I now redid the update libraries suddenly everything was working again as expected.
The pages I was missing are now again present. Weird, thanks for the quick help. Still loving it (seeing as I am running 3 instances right now.)

It’s possible you performed this update when there was a temporary outage at I’ll have a look if I can better handle that case.

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Sorry to reopen, but as I’m having the same problem, think that it’s better than start a fresh one.

I installed silverbullet with docker using the install proccess. Currently is in my home network on a Raspberry PI connected to internet too (i can update the system). I tried to import Library with the button at index page and with the button on Settings. But I don’t have a Library folder. don’t have information more than a default one with instructions on how to import Library.

I tried to see the logs, but I don’t know where to look for them.


It seems this was the case too. Today I tried again and it worked