Hashtags as links?

I started using Logseq on 1/1/2024 and I like it more than I thought I would.

That said, after playing with Silverbullet (Edge) yesterday for all of 15-20 minutes, I suspect that I would like it more, especially if I invest the time to really dig deep.

One thing that didn’t feel natural (but probably is and makes sense in “the Silverbullet way”) is the handling of Hashtags.

To get a sense as to whether I could ditch Logseq and switch to SB right away, I simply copied over the entire Logseq folder to SB.

When I started typing a specific hashtag (e.g., #EXAMPLE), I was pleasantly surprised when it offered autofill and simply hitting enter worked (just like in Logseq). It also highlighted the hashtag after the fact, which was great.

But, the hashtag was not clickable. That seemed counter-intuitive to me, but again, I’d only been using SB for 15 minutes.

In Logseq, hashtags are basically alternate routes to pages (which are also created with [] like in SB). There might be some other differences, but it’s easy to use a hashtag as a quicker way to create and link pages.

The other thing is that while I was able to search for the text of the hashtag, and find all the references (and counts as to how many times it was used in a particular page, cool), it doesn’t actually show the usage. That’s another nice touch in Logseq, where clicking on a hashtag shows every line that has that hashtag in it in every page, separately. It’s extremely useful and usable.

I’m sure there are ways to do something similar in SB, and probably multiple ways to do things better, but I’m too new to know where to start looking, so I figured I’d post. :grinning:

Hi, I’ve moved over to Silverbullet from Dendron, where every #something was treated in exactly the same way as [[tags.something]].

It seems that some of what you are asking about could be solved by Tag pages · Issue #98 · silverbulletmd/silverbullet, so maybe soon we’ll have it?

For me personally, I’m going to use them less for content, now automation only. I noticed I had created both pages #thatcompany and [[work.thatcompany]], and they had different info.

I appreciate the reply and the pointer to the open issue.

It seems that the issue has been open since October 2022, so I’m not sure it’s something to be too hopeful for, but hey, you never know. :grinning:

This is actually something pretty easily to implement, I had a mental block on what the “magic” page should be called that would aggregate all pages, items, tasks etc. tagged with a tag, but I think I’ll go with “:hash: tag” for now, which is consistent with “:mag: search phrase” used for full text search queries.

And you’d be surprised that simply mentioning an old issues can do. My secret prioritization algorithm works in mysterious ways.

My excitement level is rising (seriously!). Looking forward to it, and all of the wonderful upgrades just announced in 0.6.0.
