I just noticed that sometimes I write my notes in a weird way, trying to formulate my sentences in a way that any links appear in the nominative grammatical case. This will be hard to communicate here, because English has mostly lost grammatical cases, but it would be quite nice for Polish, since we have seven .
I could do it with wikilink syntax, but I’m too lazy to rewrite the whole word, so an experience like aliases would be perfect. I imagine it should be a Plug, with shared logic but separate inflection rules for each supported language. I’m attaching screenshots how it could look. Keep in mind that these examples are a bit weird, since English is a language where the feature isn’t terribly useful.
There must be some libraries (or AI ) that could inflect the page titles in all reasonable ways. The other hard part, would be not to clutter the selection with tens of forms of the same page. Maybe I select a hint from the page titles list and then get hints only for that specific page? Could also be helpful if the current completions list would match against inflected forms.
This would be very cool. Even in English, quite often I link to a page that I’ve standardized always using the singular version (like Live Query), but in the context want to pluralize. What I have to do now every time is pick the singular version, then add a link alias with the plural version which is somewhat annoying. Rules around this in English are probably straight forward, and I can imagine auto completing a plural version and auto aliasing it.
How would you generalize that to more fancy languages (like Polish — I know, I’ve been trying to learn this language and its insane grammar, no offense, for 15 years)… I’m not sure.
I could see this being useful for english too, but I don’t have a good example.
We can already autocomplete page aliases, so really you’d just need something to auto generate those aliases when the page is indexed.
Maybe a related feature request would be an event or some way to run a function during page indexing to override page attributes/metadata without actually changing the file?