I was wondering how it would be possible to maybe donate to the Silverbullet project. I was not able to find any information on the website, Github page or this forum here. Are donations even wanted, after all? I’d be very happy to donate for this great project. (=
Looking forward to replies. Have a nice day, everyone!
Hey! This comes up from time to time. There’s currently no real way to donate. I may open up something and see what happens. Open to suggestions to what shape that should take.
The reason I’ve not done this yet is that I do this as a hobby, and have enough income. It’s very unlikely any donations would make a very significant impact and my actual costs to running silverbullet (beside my time) are fairly low. Basically it’s a ~$10 per month hosting bill and that’s it.
I have considered setting this up though, so that for instance I could spend the money on hosting or e.g. buying an Android device for testing (I’m an iPhone user myself).
Hey Zef. Wow, thanks for this transparent and honest reply. Looking forward to what will come next in this regards, but also regarding Silverbullet. It’s just such a great and helpful tool. In any way at least: big thank you to you. (=