How to use index.queryLuaObjects()?

I try to figure out how to use index.queryLuaObjects() but I hit a brick wall:

It works fine with the given example local tasks = index.queryLuaObjects("mytask", {limit=3}) , but I can’t get it to do much more.

Especially select and where would be interesting. I found promising hints in the source, but I can’t put the pieces together. :confused:

How can I write a lua live query like below with queryLuaObjects()? How to use _ in the query argument of the function?

query[[from index.tag "task" 
 where _.deadline and _.deadline > "2025-01-01" 
 order by deadline 
 limit 10 
 select {deadline=_.deadline, ref="[[".._.ref.."]]", task=name}

I’d consider this an internal API, I should probably mark it this way. The preferred path is to just use the integrated query language. What are trying to achieve? I’d hope there are better ways.

Ah, good to know. I am experimenting with something like a django queryset. But I think I can do what I need with the integrated queries by calling functions in the where and select clauses.