Install on Linux with Deno results in error

deno install -f --name silverbullet -A
:warning: deno install behavior will change in Deno 2. To preserve the current behavior use the -g or --global flag.
error: Permission denied (os error 13)

I checked permissions in directory .deno
Read and write, execute OK
What else can I do?

What version of Deno are you running and how did you install it?

deno --version
deno 1.44.1 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
typescript 5.4.5

curl -fsSL / | [email protected] | Deno | sh
deno install -f --name silverbullet --unstable-kv --unstable-worker-options -A
Answer: command “deno” not found, however, you can install it:
sudo snap install deno
deno v1.44.1 from LukeWH installed
Deno did not appear in $PATH, so I added it manually and checked it:
echo $PATH

I can’t quite place all the commands you list there, but I suspect using a snap install may be the problem. I’d uninstall that one. I recommend using the official install install from

curl -fsSL | sh

And then indeed making sure your ~/.deno/bin is in your PATH.

I followed your advice,
Silverbullet installed,
now eager to explore!

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