Issue: Unregistered syscall clientStore.get

Initially, I have tried to launch SB (edge + deno 2) in api mode.

Following documentation:

silverbullet ""

First point, it’s necessary to force SB_DB_BACKEND to something different to kv to launch.
The documentation is incorrect or commits have introduced a new behavior.

Sb can start but it generates 
Activated plug plug-manager
Stopping sandbox for plug-manager
Activated plug plug-manager
plugin failed Error: Unregistered syscall clientStore.get
    at data:application/javascript;base64,dmFyIEc9T2JqZWN0LmRl......e3lyIGFzIHBsdWd9Owo=:1:955
    at data:application/javascript;base64,dmFyIEc9T2JqZWN0LmRl......e3lyIGFzIHBsdWd9Owo=:1:1003
    at innerInvokeEventListeners (ext:deno_web/02_event.js:757:7)
    at invokeEventListeners (ext:deno_web/02_event.js:804:5)
    at dispatch (ext:deno_web/02_event.js:661:9)
    at dispatchEvent (ext:deno_web/02_event.js:1041:12)
    at pollForMessages (ext:runtime_main/js/99_main.js:213:7)
    at eventLoopTick (ext:core/01_core.js:175:7)

In the intent to load plugs.

Have you any idea to solve this issue?


  • silverbullet 0.10.1
  • deno 2.1.3
  • Linux debian

Why are you passing URL to silverbullet this should be a path to the folder to store your space files.

See Install/Configuration

HTTP storage
While not particularly useful stand-alone (primarily for [[Sync]]), it is possible to store space content on another SilverBullet installation via its [[API]].

This mode is configured as follows:

  • SB_FOLDER: set to the URL of the other SilverBullet server, e.g.
  • SB_AUTH_TOKEN: matching the authorization token (configured via [[#Authentication]] on the other end) to use for authorization.

i have tried to use HTTP storage mode

If i use SB_FOLDER env variable, it’s the same issue

I should mark that as extremely experimental. Don’t use that. What’s your use case?

Locally, I have ollama installation and a remote SB instance in Deno.
I want to at home ,use IA plugs without open ports, routes, data synchronization.

@zef any idea for an alternative