I type “[[” and an autocomplete comes up with pages that match what I’ve typed, with a closing “]]” at the end of it. I press return to accept one of the matches.
What I’d like to do next (perhaps by being trained by SilverBullet competitors) is to hit return again to move the cursor to outside the ]]'s and complete the linkbuilding workflow. Instead I end up with
I can hit right-arrow twice instead, but that’s not what my fingers seem to want to do. I’m cleaning up newlines and indents dozens of times a day right now.
Is there a keystroke to complete the auto-bracket-close and type-ahead process? If not, should there be? I propose that a return (or even tab) 1. after closing the type-ahead and 2. when the characters immediately following the cursor are closing brackets should just move the cursor to after those brackets.