Log flooded with "indexing attachment: silverbullet.db-shm" and db-wal

Hi there!

I’m hosting silverbullet on my NixOS server; I might have done something wrong with the setup, but while the web/PWA app runs OK, I constantly get these entries in the log:

Detected file change silverbullet.db-shm 1735400821454 1735400854531
Outside file change: reindexing silverbullet.db-shm
Indexing attachment silverbullet.db-shm
Outside file change: reindexing silverbullet.db-shm
Indexing attachment silverbullet.db-shm
Detected file change silverbullet.db-wal 1735400851471 1735400881445
Outside file change: reindexing silverbullet.db-wal
Indexing attachment silverbullet.db-wal
Outside file change: reindexing silverbullet.db-wal
Indexing attachment silverbullet.db-wal

notes and the database are all in the /var/lib/silverbullet folder, is this the issue? should the index db be in a separate folder than the notes?

Just for a sanity check: can anyone else see these messages or it’s only me?

I now have added the *.db* rule to the spaceIgnore section in my settings (and in.gitignore since I’m using the git plug) so everything is OK, but I thought that this would be something that silverbullet does automatically.

I must add that I had manually set up the envvar SB_KV_DB=/var/lib/silverbullet/silverbullet.db (no dot at the start of the filename), could it be that the outside file change detector ignores hidden files, so it is not a problem with the default options?

After some searching through the code base, I only found this, but I don’t know if it’s relevant (and it certainly doesn’t do anything even with the default database name)

I’m not 100% sure, but I think this is what excludes files that begin with .:

And this is what triggers the attachment indexing:

I think if you change SB_KV_DB to /var/lib/silverbullet/.silverbullet.db, you’ll probably get rid of the issue. But the code probably should automatically ignore the db file. If changing SB_KV_DB works for you, it’d be a good idea to open up a github issue

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Thanks for the pointers, I saw the indexing code, but missed the fs module!

As I wrote in my previous post, I solved by adding the files in the spaceIgnore in my SETTINGS file, but If I have to start over I’ll make sure to make it an hidden file.

I agree with you that silverbullet should automatically add the SB_KV_DB path (and the related wal and shm files) to the ignored paths.

Ok this just clicked. The reason you’re seeing this is indeed because your .db file does not start with a . SilverBullet excludes all files and folders that start with . and therefore would never attempt to sync it. Simply renaming your DB file to start with a dot should fix this.

Edit: sorry I missed @justyns message, indeed — what he said.

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