Make One Page Read-Only?

I’ve just recently found Silver Bullet, and loving it so far. I had one question though. Is there any way to make only one page read-only? I’m recreating my home page from Obsidian, and I like it to be a list of queries (e.g. incomplete to-dos, notes to review, etc.)

I have the basic structure down, but when I hit the home button, it brings me inside the first query block. Leaving a blank line at the top of the page works, but is there a better way to handle it? Thanks!

What I do may sounds a bit silly but works: add a newline at the top of the file :nerd_face:

That is actually what I ended up doing. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing a feature/setting somewhere. Thanks!

I just stumbled on this yesterday. It’s a simple workaround that…just works!

Also, if you add frontmatter to a page and then add a newline before the heading or content, not only does it provide that desired “landing” line, but it also makes for clean formatting.

Looking forward to everything SilverBullet!


I also am new to SilverBullet, and trying to learn as I go.

I’ve been trying to add a newline to the .md file, but no matter what I am still able to edit the page.

I figure I am misunderstanding what is meant by “newline” here. I’ve tried spaces, and the
tag and neither worked. Could I get some clarification on what I need to add to the top of the .md file?

Thank you!

What is addressed here in the end is not making a single page read only (this is not supported), but only not having the cursor start in a query block that is then not rendered.

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