Managing conference proceedings

I’m going to share the workflow I’m doing right now, because it’s simply too much fun. Could be useful for other academics, maybe it’s obvious to everyone but me before tonight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In the screenshot I’m easily managing the papers whose presentations I attended, because I did my notes in SilverBullet:

How I set it up

  1. Template Conference Paper configured for the event I’m attending now:
tags: template
description: "Write down conference paper"
  suggestedName: "VFS 2024/"
  forPrefix: "VFS 2024/"
  confirmName: true
  openIfExists: false
  command: "New Conference Paper"
  key: "Alt-Shift-c"

number: |^|

  1. Actual note taking:
  • press Alt-Shift-C
  • type the title and hit Enter
  • type the paper number
  • start taking notes
  1. Wait for the proceedings to be published and download the ZIP, where every PDF can only be identified by the paper number
  2. Add this query:
where name =~ /^VFS 2024\//
select number, name
order by number asc
  1. Now I can just scroll through the folder in order, drag the right PDF to Zotero, and everything ends up where it should
  2. Profit

It’s far from using all the features of SilverBullet, but the mix of templates, shortcuts, attributes and queries really made my day. Thanks!