Move text without cutting and pasting?

Is there a command to Move text to a specific location similar to how Dynalist does it? E.g. Place the cursor in the text bullet to be moved, hit Cmd+M, a dialogue box appears, type a word into it and then a list of that word’s locations appears, then hit Enter to move the text.
Not having to cut and paste is very efficient and one of the best features of Dynalist.

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There are a few outline commands that can move items up/down or indent/outdent. They’re not exactly what you’re looking for, but might help with some cases.

I have a space script I’ve been working on to add a ‘refile’ command similar to org-refile that looks like it might be similar to the move item in dynalist. It’s not very generic right now, but I’ll see if I can clean it up and post it.

Thank you, for the link. Your script would be great to try out once you’ve polished it.

Hi Justyns, just wondering if u had the chance to clean up your “move” script yet?

Kinda related. I don’t have something within SB, but I’ve been using a bash script to refile completed tasks to a different page.

How I manage tasks - #2 by meain - Tricks & Techniques - SilverBullet Community

Hey, I haven’t had time to improve it much but I just posted the version I’ve been using recently here:

I’d like to make it more generic so that you don’t need to hardcode the target page/header, but most of the time I’m moving things to the same set of targets anyway.

Thank you, Justyns and Meain. I’ll give it a try this weekend.

One of my main reasons for not using Obsidian (makers of Dynalist) is the lack of a similar Dynalist ‘Move’ function which, for me is a game-changer. Being able quickly send individual text bullets to anywhere (such as to another bullet, or another Dynalist document) is so much faster than ‘cut & paste’. Odd thing is, I haven’t found this feature in any other software, so I’ve stuck with DL.

I finally have time to install the script, but I’m a newbie to this: where to I save the script? Should it be tagged as a “meta” file? If so, how do I do that and then invoke the command?

It’s a space script. Should be put in a page tagged with #meta and should be wrapped within ```space-script

More details here Space Script

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