New on Edge: Object Decorators

This is a more generic mechanism that does something similar the pageDecorations thing in SETTINGS did before: the ability to extend objects with attributes dynamically. More information and examples here:

You’ll need to migrate your existing pageDecorations to become pageDecorators:

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I think the docs on Page Decorations is incorrect(could be that I am doing something wrong), but I could not get the code snippet there to work.

- where: "tags = 'person'"
  pageDecoration.prefix: '"🧑 "'

I did however get the following to work:

objectDecorators: # decorators, not decorations
- where: "tags = 'person'"
  attributes: # need this key and nesting
    pageDecoration.prefix: '"🧑 "'

Also, it might be worth calling out that even boolean values will have to be quoted.

You’re right, that’s a mistake. I’ll fix it soon.