You can query all books, articles, … you have stored in Readwise via rwbook and retrieve the highlights for a single book through rwhighlight where book_id=123.
The book list doesn’t look super-nice because I haven’t found a way to fix the image size (HTML in a template doesn’t seem to work)
What you have is already cool, but the way I anticipated using something like this the following workflow:
I read a book and highlight things. After I’m done, I can now pull these highlights into my space as separate pages: one per book, probably based on some naming pattern. From there I can further edit these pages (remove some things, add my own additional comments), so this “import” would be a one time operation.
The way I think about my space in general is my one source of everlasting truth. I trust my space will survive everything, so everything I care about should be actual content (= pages or attachment) in my space for it to last. Readwise may go away (or I may stop paying), but pages on my space will not (famous last words). In that context I like the idea of actually copying the data into pages rather than querying them through an API.
I used the same approach with LogSeq and gathered ~2000 pages with highlights for books and articles.
LogSeq unfortunately became unusably slow on my phone using this approach.
I don’t know how well SilverBullet scales with the number of pages, maybe this is a non-issue.
My current thinking about silverbullet-readwise is that it would be cool to allow both an on-demand pulling of highlights from Read wise, as well as storing them in SilverBullet. I guess the latter could be achieved by baking the highlights into the page.
One thing that would help a lot is to have “virtual pages” that spring into existence, pre-filled with user-defined content.
That would allow the following workflow:
I see a list of recently read articles and books on a [[Read wise]] page. If I want to look up or enhance the highlights of a book/article I click on the link in the table and the virtual book page is opened. It has a pre-filled query for the highlights so I can already extract the required information.
If I want to modify the information, I bake the query results and start editing.
The render all template for the highlights would also contain a query block at the end which filters by something like highlight_timestamp > {{now}} where the value of {{now}} is materialized at baking time so that new highlights automatically appear, even after baking.
In case Readwise goes away, or I want so switch to another tool, I bake all pages.