Plug looking for owner: pub

I have limited time and need to focus. I also have lots of ideas, which can be painful at times. One of those ideas is the pub plug: GitHub - silverbulletmd/silverbullet-pub: Publish your Silver Bullet space to the Internet

I don’t see having time to really build this plug out, but I think it has potential. An alternative would be to point people to Quartz, which does something similar: Look into publishing via quartz · Issue #993 · silverbulletmd/silverbullet · GitHub

However, Quartz won’t understand SilverBullet features like templates or queries. So it would need a pre-processing step before actually invoking quartz to generate all the HTML.

There’s still a few reasons why I’d like pub to exist, though:

  1. It’s a fully integrated into SilverBullet. You don’t need to install anything external, it’s just there.
  2. It publishes pages not just as HTML, but as .md files too, as well as an index.json file, which make these published pages it browsable via Federation

@justyns is using it to publish

Any takers?