Project idea: rebuild Clay using SilverBullet

I think this makes for an excellent use case of SB wouldn’t you say?

I cannot use Clay, as i have no Mac nor iphone and it asks me for subscription after a trial though I can imagine what it is.
One of the ways I use SB for work is to keep track of all my contacts, from my direct reports, to my 1:1s, to anything i do with any person I contact with.

Enhancing SB to provide more functionality to contact management would be very welcome.
So far i can imagine we can create anything we want with building the right templates/queries, etc but, if you have new ideas, or want to provide such templates (like GitHub - silverbulletmd/silverbullet-manager-space-template: Template demonstrating how a manager may use Silver Bullet) I would be very grateful :slight_smile:

Although I do have a mac, I have not actually installed the app either, but from the website I really like the idea of setting up a system of managing contacts.

Similar idea:

One project interrupted by my switch to SilverBullet is a CardDAV client to get two-way sync with Markdown notes, with structured contact data stored in frontmatter.

So, after I add a contact on the phone, I can link to the person in the notes.

Honestly I didn’t expect anyone else to be interested in that, but here we are

Hah, that would be pretty cool. If you get CardDav to sync with some .md files you have a nice set of data to link stuff to. I’d be interested in that.

That would be amazing. Could the bidirectional syncing with CARDDAV be implemented as a plug?

I already maintain my contacts in markdown using frontmatter so this would be great for me too. I was also thinking of doing bidirectional sync with CALDAv to sync tasks and calendar events into markdown files

I’m still working on this, but so far didn’t have any success in making a DAV library work under Deno. I know I could write all requests on my own, it’s just HTTP, but was hoping I’d avoid the manual work.

I asked on Deno Discord #help but it looks like troubleshooting some random library from npm isn’t terribly exciting for anyone there :sweat_smile:

This is exactly what I’m aiming for, with frontmatter closely following vCard data

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I finally managed to get DAV to work under Deno, back on track to do this.

Meanwhile I found that there exists RFC 7095 - jCard: The JSON Format for vCard, last updated in 2015. Unfortunately it has a lot of type information, so when I converted the example JSON to YAML, the results were very verbose:

jCard example as YAML
- vcard
- - - version
    - {}
    - text
    - '4.0'
  - - fn
    - {}
    - text
    - Simon Perreault
  - - "n"
    - {}
    - text
    - - Perreault
      - Simon
      - ''
      - ''
      - - ing. jr
        - M.Sc.
  - - bday
    - {}
    - date-and-or-time
    - "--02-03"
  - - anniversary
    - {}
    - date-and-or-time
    - '2009-08-08T14:30:00-05:00'
  - - gender
    - {}
    - text
    - M
  - - lang
    - pref: '1'
    - language-tag
    - fr
  - - lang
    - pref: '2'
    - language-tag
    - en
  - - org
    - type: work
    - text
    - Viagenie
  - - adr
    - type: work
    - text
    - - ''
      - Suite D2-630
      - 2875 Laurier
      - Quebec
      - QC
      - G1V 2M2
      - Canada
  - - tel
    - type:
      - work
      - voice
      pref: '1'
    - uri
    - tel:+1-418-656-9254;ext=102
  - - tel
    - type:
      - work
      - cell
      - voice
      - video
      - text
    - uri
    - tel:+1-418-262-6501
  - - email
    - type: work
    - text
    - [email protected]
  - - geo
    - type: work
    - uri
    - geo:46.772673,-71.282945
  - - key
    - type: work
    - uri
  - - tz
    - {}
    - utc-offset
    - "-05:00"
  - - url
    - type: home
    - uri

Since the only relevant standard would be unusable by hand, I’m asking the frontmatter pros what would play nicer with the rest of the space – before this I didn’t structure my notes at all

A: Containing the data in a specific property and very close to the vCard format:

  fn: Dr. John Doe
  n: [Doe, John, , Dr, ]
  nickname: [JD, J-Man]
    - somecompany
    - someteam
  - person

B: Make a SilverBullet-specific mapping in the plug – that would require documentation, but would be possibly more queryable? Could give more functionality without data duplication but then gets more and more edge cases.

FN is just page name, so this would be a page named People/John Doe

  givenName: John
  familyName: Doe
  honorificPrefixes: Dr
  - JD
  - J-Man
birthday: 1970-03-10
  - person
  - somecompany
  - someteam

Can you share an anonymized example of a contact of yours? Is it similar to hal_md linked above? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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