(Resolved) Deno 1.40 is throwing a lot of warnings

Deno 1.40 was released yesterday and comes with a slew of API “improvements” and deprecations. Deno is the JS runtime that runs the SilverBullet back-end.

Sadly, the Deno team decided to introduce new APIs with deprecation of the old in a single release. The result is that if you are running SB using Deno directly and upgrade your version to 1.40, you’ll see a whole bunch of warnings. Nothing breaks as far as I can tell, but the warnings are there and they’re rather ugly.

It’s probably best to stick to Deno 1.39.4 for now. I’ve updated the Deno instructions on silverbullet.md on how to do this.

If you’re using the Docker images (as you probably should, to avoid this type of issue) this shouldn’t affect you.

I’ll upgrade to Deno 1.40 as soon as some of the dependencies (specifically ESBuild) have been updated to not use now-deprecated Deno APIs. The changes to do there are minimal, luckily.

Another update. Two more Deno releases have happened since, as well as a new ES Build, which is sufficient to upgrade SilverBullet to 1.40.2 now too. This has happened. Edge is running on Deno 1.40. Please upgrade your Deno installs to 1.40 if you don’t use docker!

It seems 1.40.2 works much better.

I do see the error below right at the beginning though

⚠️  The `--unstable` flag is deprecated and will be removed in Deno 2.0. Use granular `--unstable-*` flags instead.
Learn more at: https://docs.deno.com/runtime/manual/tools/unstable_flags
⚠️  The `Deno.openKv` API was used with `--unstable` flag. The `--unstable` flag is deprecated and will be removed in Deno 2.0. Use granular`--unstable-kv` instead.
Learn more at: https://docs.deno.com/runtime/manual/tools/unstable_flags

Then some other random errors

warning: Use of deprecated "Deno.FsFile.rid" API. This API will be removed in Deno 2. Run again with DENO_VERBOSE_WARNINGS=1 to get more details.
warning: Use of deprecated "Deno.write()" API. This API will be removed in Deno 2. Run again with DENO_VERBOSE_WARNINGS=1 to get more details.
warning: Use of deprecated "Deno.close()" API. This API will be removed in Deno 2. Run again with DENO_VERBOSE_WARNINGS=1 to get more details.

If you’re on Deno edge (at its new location: https://edge.silverbullet.md/silverbullet.js) you shouldn’t the random errors anymore, just the —unstable ones, because there’s a Deno bug related to that still.

That did the job, updating the url