Return text under heading

Probably easy one … I have a headings with tags and ‘contained’ text. How might I return the text ‘below’ a heading? For example, with:

## My heading #aheadingtag

Item content here.

More item content.

## My heading2 #anotherheadingtag

Item2 content here.

More item2 content.

… how would I return all the text for #aheadingtag, which would be:

Item content here.

More item content.


In theory, something like ![[Test#My heading #aheadingtag]] would work, but it doesn’t seem to function with a tag in it.

So here’s some template code that’s technically functional, if a little fragile:

{{#let @startPos = at({header where page = and at(tags,0)="aheadingtag" select pos},0)}}
  {{#if @startPos}}
    {{#let @endPos = at({header where page = and pos > @startPos.pos select pos},0)}}
      {{#if @endPos}}
        {{#each {paragraph where page = and pos > @startPos.pos and pos < @endPos.pos}}}

        {{#each {paragraph where page = and pos > @startPos.pos}}}

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