
In my day to day notes I end up having a lot of the same sections. I don’t however want those sections in all my notes.

Example, a note can start with just a braindump. Then I want an “Info” section, then a “Journal” section, and maybe later a “Resources” section. After a while, a note about a project or a thing ends up looking like

# Info

* Some hard facts
* More hard facts

# Resources

* Link1
* Phone number

# Journal

## 2024-08-10 #call [[Some Person]]

Some call notes

What I would like is a way to have a list of possible sections (section-templates?). That are only added if they are not already there. If they are there, the pointer should move to that section.

A more advanced section is the “Journal” section. If that is called, a new journal entry should be added (including the heading if it is missing).

Is something like this possible to add now? Or is there some core functionality that needs to come first? Any others having a similar workflow?

I think what you want here is a Snippet. Then you can use the slash commands to insert the pieces you want, wherever you want.

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Snippets solves some of the problem, but I’m thinking about a more fancy version. Here is a better example

  • Start document
New ikea closet in man-cave.
  • Trigger the section-info snippet
New ikea closet in man-cave.

# Info
^ <-- starts writing here
  • Trigger section-journal
New ikea closet in man-cave.

# Info
* width: 120cm
* height: 200cm

# Journal

## 2024-08-11

They are out of stock
  • Trigger section-info again. This time, it doesnt insert anything but just set the cursor at info. Ready to add some more info
New ikea closet in man-cave.

# Info
* width: 120cm
* height: 200cm<cursor insertet here>

# Journal

## 2024-08-11

They are out of stock
  • Trigger section-journal. This time, it sees it is already there so it adds a new entry instead
New ikea closet in man-cave.

# Info
* width: 120cm
* height: 200cm
* depth: 60cm

# Journal

## 2024-08-11

They are out of stock

## 2024-08-12

Got info that they will get back in stock next month.

I think sections like this is used by many people, not only info or journal, but probably more. I don’t need them in all notes, but it would be nice to have them handy and standarized when needed.

Ahhh I got ya now, yea that use-case would work awesome for me too as my daily page has sections for work and personal and it would be nice to easily insert in the relevant section as I find that my daily page is getting rather large with sections for home-life, work-life and the associated queries that go with it. I’ll fiddle with it a bit and see where I get. Seems doable given the everything has a reference location.