Silverbullet packaged for Yunohost to easily self-host it

Hello there :wave: !

I discovered Silverbullet lately and took the opportunity to package it for Yunohost.

Yunohost is a Debian-based operating-system meant to ease and democratize the installation and administration of self-hosted web applications (including upgrades, backup and restorations, etc.). Also it’s Free/Libre/Open-Source.

Also regarding the Silverbullet package:

When installing it, you are asked to questions:

  • the domain on which you install the app (you must create a dedicated domain, usually a sub-domain of your main one);
  • who is the administrator of the app: this is the Yunohost user who should use the app;

Note: as of today (2024-03-13), the package is fresh new, it is still marked as broken. In fast, that’s because the CI has not run to rate the app. You may install it anyway (it should work) or wait a few weeks.



If you want to know more about Yunohost:

If you want to install it, you may follow this guide: Install YunoHost | Yunohost Documentation

(PS: I circumvent the limitations of 2 links per post, Yunohost is a community driven project, I hope it’s not a problem)

This is super cool. Thanks for doing this!

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Thanks a lot, very cool! I just installed it and it works perfectly!

As a Yunohost user, thank you! I hope I can try it soon :slight_smile:

Update: ARM64 architecture now supported for Yunohost since version 0.8.1~ynh1 !

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