Silverbullet packaged for Yunohost to easily self-host it

Hello there :wave: !

I discovered Silverbullet lately and took the opportunity to package it for Yunohost.

Yunohost is a Debian-based operating-system meant to ease and democratize the installation and administration of self-hosted web applications (including upgrades, backup and restorations, etc.). Also it’s Free/Libre/Open-Source.

Also regarding the Silverbullet package:

When installing it, you are asked to questions:

  • the domain on which you install the app (you must create a dedicated domain, usually a sub-domain of your main one);
  • who is the administrator of the app: this is the Yunohost user who should use the app;

Note: as of today (2024-03-13), the package is fresh new, it is still marked as broken. In fast, that’s because the CI has not run to rate the app. You may install it anyway (it should work) or wait a few weeks.



If you want to know more about Yunohost:

If you want to install it, you may follow this guide: Install YunoHost | Yunohost Documentation

(PS: I circumvent the limitations of 2 links per post, Yunohost is a community driven project, I hope it’s not a problem)

This is super cool. Thanks for doing this!

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Thanks a lot, very cool! I just installed it and it works perfectly!

As a Yunohost user, thank you! I hope I can try it soon :slight_smile:

Update: ARM64 architecture now supported for Yunohost since version 0.8.1~ynh1 !

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Thank you for creating this. I discovered SB because you created the YunoHost install.

I have a question though. I found where the files are stored in the server on Yuno, but I want to synchronize md files from my LogSeq files to SB on the server. Currently, the Notes folder does not have read or write permissions and I am wondering if there is risk to enabling that for an ftp user so that I can synchronize them back and forth.

You may do that, but the trickiest part is that the rights will be reset after each upgrade.

You may hack something using the Yunohost Hooks and/or you may also change the SB_FOLDER env variable to your sftp folder with the rights correctly set (the package sets a default value for it but you may override it in /home/

Thanks so much for the reply and ideas about how to do it.

I did add the following to the file custom.env here: /home/

# Here you can define your custom env variables

When I create a new file in the SB interface though, it is still going to the original Notes folder rather than the new one I created.

Am I missing something else I need to do to make this work? Restart the server?

Normally restarting the service should be enough:

systemctl restart silverbullet
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Unfortunately, when I changed the path as outlined above, it started throwing a 502 bad gateway error. After I removed the path and restarted, it worked again. Not sure if permissions issue or what. Just would prefer a sync that doesn’t require me to use github for my data and change my Logseq processes.


Thank you so much fflorent for porting SilverBullet to Yunohost and for updating the package so quickly!

It’s a tiny detail: I think there’s a typo with the link (which doesn’t appear as such) on this message.


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Oh, you mean this should be [PLUGS](https://silver.[...]/PLUGS)? I am fixing that.

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