Now also on edge: slash command Shortcuts allowing you to map slash commands to commands.
My use case: mobile. On mobile running commands is kind of a pain, whereas typing a slash command is still doable. So I configured:
- command: "{[AI: Chat on current page]}"
slashCommand: "chat"
mac: "Cmd-Shift-Enter"
- command: "{[Outline: Move Right]}"
slashCommand: "indent"
key: "Alt->"
- command: "{[Outline: Move Left]}"
slashCommand: "outdent"
key: "Alt-<"
This is particularly useful for when I want to use the AI plug’s Chat on page feature (basically ChatGPT in SilverBullet).
On desktop I create a quick note, ask a question and hit Cmd-Shift-Enter
On mobile I create a quick note, ask a question and type /chat