… and yet briefly, after posting this, it did work - at least, toggled between two states (I think TODO and IN PROGRESS, can’t be sure). Then not.
Then a few mins later - notice that if I change the state within the square brackets from e.g. TODO to DONE I can toggle by clicking; although at some point this stops happening. Alt-T sometimes works, sometimes not.
I noticed an error like ‘todo state DONE not found’ or similar in the console once (but deleted it )
The Node Object { type: "TaskState", from: 34, to: 40, children: (3) […], parent: {…} } message in console only appears when the toggling doesn’t work
Same inconsistent behaviour in Debian Bookwork/Edge.
This is just a wild guess: do you have other copies of tasks states, or you have only one pair of TODO and DONE? ( then task change state simply erases one)
I don’t use states, but it sure worked when I had „a copy o possible states” one one page, then the cycling worked through the whole space.
As far as I know(figured out) - the states are defined simply by existing.
The moment you switch one state to another, and that would be „the only state copy left”, the state ceases to exist, hence switching back is impossible.
For me that was try and error for reaching that conclusion, can’t help you more with that- but I know the manual is unclear in terms of the state’s mechanism.