Trouble with creating a variable Attribute for a #person using functions

I cant seem to figure it out myself.

I want to make a list with birthdays of people and want to sort it based on the calculated days until the next Birthday, similar to this:

Name Birthday Age Next Birthday (sort asc)
John 1984-01-01 41 1 days
Mary 2000-02-14 24 45 days
Peter 1986-05-01 38 121 days

I have the names and birthday attributes in a #person codeblock and i also have the scripts to CalculateAge and DaysUntilNextBirthday which then I added to the template to create the list.
Until now everything is fine. But what i have trouble with is to sort the list based on the next birthday. because it’s not an active attribute but rather a caculated value in the table template.

name: Mary
birthday: 2000-02-14 
name: Peter
birthday: 1986-05-06 
name: John
birthday: 1996-06-13
name: Anna
birthday: 1991-12-17
name: Jim
birthday: 1983-09-28
name: Susan
birthday: 1987-07-10

The space-script to calculate the Age and DaysUntilNextBDay:

silverbullet.registerFunction("daysTillBirthday",(date) => {
  const birthDate = Temporal.PlainDate.from(date)
  const now = Temporal.Now.plainDateISO();
  const thisYearBirthday = new Temporal.PlainDate(now.year, birthDate.month,;

  if (now.equals(thisYearBirthday)) {
        return 0; // Happy Birthday!
  } else if (,thisYearBirthday) < 0) {
        // Birthday is still coming this year
        return now.until(thisYearBirthday, { largestUnit: 'days' }).days;
    } else {
        // Birthday has passed for this year, calculate for next year
        const nextYearBirthday = new Temporal.PlainDate(now.year + 1, birthDate.month,;
        return now.until(nextYearBirthday, { largestUnit: 'days' }).days;

export function calcAge(birthday) {
  const birthDate = new Date(birthday);
  const today = new Date();
  let age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
  const monthDiff = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
  if (monthDiff < 0 || (monthDiff === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
  return age;

The list-template saved in “Library/Personal/Templates/BirthdayTable”:

tags: template
displayName: "Birthdays Table Template"
description: "Template to output the Birthday Table"
| [[{{name}}]] |{{niceDate(birthday)}} | {{dateDiff(niceDate(birthday), today(),"years")}}| {{daysTillBirthday(niceDate(birthday))}}|

and at last the Template for the list:

| Person | Birthday | Age | Days |
{{{person where page = "birthdays_test" render [[Library/Personal/Templates/BirthdayTable]] order by "Days" asc}}}

what i get is a nice liste, exactly as i wanted but it’s not sorted in any way:

If i sort by birthday or name it works without issues, because these are the initial attributes from the query. but when I try to sort after "Days" or "Age" it doesnt work, probably because these are calculated through the template, and are not attributes of the person.

I cant figure it out myself how to create a variable attribute and assign it to that person.
I tried to assign using a @nextbd variable and declaring it wiht #let, but it’s not working:

name: Susan
birthday: 1987-07-10
nextbirthday: {{nextbd}}
{{#let @nextbd = daysTillBirthday(niceDate(@person.birthday))}}

i’m sure it’s somthing wrong with the syntax or something else. Could someone please help me with this one? Been trying for the last couple of hours, but nothing seems to work. i’m sure missing something…

Thanks in advance.

I kinda found a workaround which works, but I’m sure there must be a more elegant solution, and this doesn’t answer my question on how to add a variable attribute to a person depending on an existing attribute like birthday:

My Workaround:
I ordered the table by daysTillBirthday(niceDate(birthday))

| Person | Birthday | Age | Days |
{{{person where page = "birthdays_test" render [[Library/Personal/Templates/BirthdayTable]] order by daysTillBirthday(niceDate(birthday)) asc}}}