useSmartQuotes appears to have no effect

Hi, new to this tool - let me say that it looks too good to be true :smile:

I wanted to change the smart quotes it uses to be "" and ''
Thus I added useSmartQuotes: false to the settings http://localhost:3000/SETTINGS
It doesn’t take. I changed the indexPage: Home and that does take, thus it appears settings are working, just not the useSmartQuotes: false… what do I miss?


This is one setting where you actually have to reload the page for it to take effect, did you do that?

Also, it’s not part of a release yet, until I run another release you need to run the Edge builds.

That said, let me just release 0.8.3. Hang tight.

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Ok, just did another release so you can just upgrade now.

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I did reload, indeed. However, I am not on the edge build, that is probably the cause then.

Will check in a short on the new release, thanks a lot for the fast (???) turnaround!

You happen to catch me with VS Code open and ready to go :wink: No guarantees for future performance.

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Pulled new Docker image, works!


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