(Video) Demo and current state of Space Lua

I posted a video talking about the rationale behind Space Lua and its current state. Enjoy!


Big thank you for all your efforts on SilverBullet!
Really looking forward to seeing all of this finally come together into one cohesive end-user programming experience. I believe if this can be made successful without compromising on minimalism or security, it would make SilverBullet a revolutionary power tool!

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Yeah, I think this is the correct direction. I notice that I am often fighting with the different styles of doing things.
Great Job!

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Thank you for this great summary!

In SB v.0.10.0, the markdown preview only displays the space-lua query instead of the results.

Will this be changed? - At the moment I am missing a way to copy the results of the space-lua output (no baking, no md preview, etc).

Notable mention of Lua: Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE).

Yes, this is still on the list of things to be done.