What does your Index page look like?

I’ve been playing around with Silverbullet for the last few days and I love it! One thing that I’ve been tinkering around with (maybe too much but it’s fun) is my Index page. Initially I just went with a blank page, but quickly I realized I could customize it to show something useful, so after many revisions I ended up with this:

It should show you something like this:

Basically, a list of tags (clickable, each with a tagged page count) and recent pages (with creation date and tags).

What are you using as an Index/Home page?


I’ll post mine later, but I need to clean it up a bit.

Generally there a few sections:

  • Ongoing projects: these are just links to other pages of stuff I currently have going on
  • Next tasks. My system is to make everything immediately actionable as a task with #next, so it appears here
  • Inbox: all quick notes that still live in Inbox/ and still need processing
  • Last modified: effectively page order by lastModified desc rendered as links.

My personal instance’s index is not worth sharing as it just have 3 or 4 sections with the topics I am interested about right now, like: Linux, Music, or things like that.
I access everything through the Page picker.

The one at work is more polished:

  • Main pages to all the main pages I need on a regular basis.
  • Next Actions
  • Tasks for the rest of the non-next tasks
  • Recently updated


This is what my index page looks like.
The topics are hand-picked and vary from time to time.


Ah, lot of emoji enthusiasts. Love it :blush:

Thanks for posting these @zamuz , I had difficulty figuring out some queries and your solutions helped me a lot.

I used your “Recent pages” almost as-is, but reduced the item count and added a link to “All recents” view, with more recent items.

My index page.

I’ve been using SilverBullet for only about a week, so it’s nothing fancy (yet). I’m currently migrating my old notes and redoing the way I take notes/journal.

BTW: the links are manually organized by the way how often I access them.

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My home/index page is mostly about task management. I have a few links to certain pages, but primarily is where I can see all the tasks that I am supposed to be working on.

Below is the contents of my index. I wanted to post a screenshot, but that will require me to move around a bunch of my todos.

  • For most task listing sections, I separate it out by pages as I have a few main pages were I have tasks with deadlines
  • I list out linear tickets that I am currently working on (more details here)
  • I have a few buttons in the home page to go to daily note or do a git sync. I mainly use keybind for the former and is automatic for latter, but comes in handy at times.
  • I sync my SB data to my phone using Syncthing and use Obisidian on my phone to view/edit the notes. The “Mobile Shares” section are links that I share into the Obsidian app on my phone. Using this as a read-it-later list.
  • The completed today section helps with standups. I also have completed yesterday and completed last Friday in other pages.
  • The recently modified pages section becomes useful when I am in a long research session.
  • The Crumbs page is just links to random stuff that I find interesting (it is tagged for searching later).

[[Backlog/Redacted]] [[Backlog/Personal]] [[Backlog/Redacted]] [[Backlog/Checkout]]
[[Tasks Overview]] [[Backlog/Blog Ideas]] [[Crumbs]]
[[Interesting Projects]] [[Article/Logbook|Articles Logbook]] [[Youtube/Logbook|Youtube Logbook]]
[[Mobile Shares]]

{[Open Daily Note]} {[Open Weekly Note]} {[Git: Snapshot]} {[Git: Sync]}

:date: Today’s tasks

{{#each @page in {task where done = false and deadline = today select page}}}
#### [[{{@page.page}}]]
{{#let @tasks = {task where done = false and deadline = today where page = @page.page}}}
{{#each @tsk in @tasks}}
- [{{@tsk.state}}] {{@tsk.name}} [[{{@tsk.ref}}]]

:running_man: Missed tasks

{{#each @page in {task where done = false and deadline < today select page}}}
#### [[{{@page.page}}]]
{{#let @tasks = {task where done = false and deadline < today where page = @page.page}}}
{{#each @tsk in @tasks}}
- [{{@tsk.state}}] {{@tsk.name}} [[{{@tsk.ref}}]] 📅 {{@tsk.deadline}}

:ticket: Linear tickets

### In Progress
{{#each @tic in {page where type = "linear-issue" and state = "In Progress" and assignee = "Abin Simon"}}}
[[{{@tic.name}}]] {{@tic.title}}

### In Review
{{#each @tic in {page where type = "linear-issue" and state = "In Review" and assignee = "Abin Simon"}}}
[[{{@tic.name}}]] {{@tic.title}}

### Todo
{{#each @tic in {page where type = "linear-issue" and state = "Todo" and assignee = "Abin Simon"}}}
[[{{@tic.name}}]] {{@tic.title}}

:iphone: Mobile shares

task where page = "Mobile Shares" and done = false render [[Library/Core/Query/Task]]

:white_check_mark: Completed today

{{#each @page in {task where done = true and deadline = today select page}}}
#### [[{{@page.page}}]]
{{#let @tasks = {task where done = true and deadline = today where page = @page.page}}}
{{#each @tsk in @tasks}}
- [{{@tsk.state}}] {{@tsk.name}} [[{{@tsk.ref}}]]

:alarm_clock: Upcoming tasks

{{#each @page in {task where done = false and deadline > today select page}}}
#### [[{{@page.page}}]]
{{#let @tasks = {task where done = false and deadline > today where page = @page.page}}}
{{#each @tsk in @tasks}}
- [{{@tsk.state}}] {{@tsk.name}} [[{{@tsk.ref}}]] 📅 {{@tsk.deadline}}

:parachute: Weekend tasks

{{#let @tasks = {task where done = false and deadline > thisFriday and deadline < nextMonday order by deadline}}}
{{#each @tsk in @tasks}}
- [{{@tsk.state}}] {{@tsk.name}} [[{{@tsk.ref}}]] 📅 {{@tsk.deadline}}

:clock2: Recently modified pages

{{#each {page order by lastModified desc limit 10 where tags != "template"}}}
- [[{{name}}]] modified on **{{niceDate(lastModified)}}**