Community forum archive

Not sure if this makes sense or not, but would be kind of nice to have some sort of archival process for the posts here. Or even just some kind of tagging system to mark a thread as no longer relevant. I’ve had a couple times where I thought I found a solution to something I’m facing, but then when testing it out, run into issues. I’m guessing they’re mostly related to functionality that’s since been updated or removed.

I’m not sure of the best way to implement that, but would maybe be helpful.

There’s an “Archive topic” function, do you have specific topics that you have in mind?

I was more so thinking a general idea that it would be helpful to know while searching/browsing that whatever I’m reading is still relevant.

I have had issues with getting the Additional admonition types working, and I’m not sure if it’s something with my set up or if there have been changes to space-style or something that would make that post no longer applicable.