Idea for a configurable side-panel

One of the small things on my wishlist for Silverbullet is some kind of configurable side-panel.
Just like the very nice and useful treeview plug, however I want to show configurable items and / or buttons and links or tag-lists in such panel.
So from my point of view, it would be ideal to have a normal page to be displayed in something just like the treeview panel.

In short, what I would want:

  • configure one (or even multiple) panes just like treeview
  • functions to show/hide these panels
  • attach / configure a ā€œnormalā€ page to (each of) the panel(s)
  • would be nice to have a place option (left, right, modal) just like treeview

I already tried to understand how treeview creates such a panel, in order to copy the code and alter it to my needs.
But to be honest, I had to give up - I have no idea due to lack of background knowledge :slight_smile:

So maybe someone with more knowledge can try to implement that - or try to help me how to understand and how to begin with thatā€¦ I have only beginner knowledge in programming, CSS and JS, thoughā€¦

Thanks a lot!

Iā€™m glad that youā€™re interested in that as well. There is an issue with some attempts at it and a lot of relevant information after my attempts some time ago: Plug idea: Side page Ā· Issue #245 Ā· silverbulletmd/silverbullet Ā· GitHub

I canā€™t really take this on at the moment, but maybe this can help you :+1:

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Iā€™m also interested in something like this, and made a similar attempt here:

Itā€™s not exactly what you want, but it can be used to open another ā€œpaneā€ with any note, not just one named scratch like what I used.

Thanks a lot for this hint!
At least that comes pretty near what I`m trying to get. Not as nice as the treeview pane (e.g. size not as changeable) but seems to be a pretty simple point to start own experiments.
As your code is so short, thereā€™s a little chance, that I understand what it is doing (in opposite to the treeview plugā€¦) :slight_smile:

Just a small status:
I got Justyns ā€œScratch bufferā€ solution to work. In fact, it does pretty much what I want.

Some small caveats:

  • On first open of the scratchpage it opens with treeview included, but treeview is closable
  • For me the scratch panel is too big, it takes half of the windows space. Iā€™d prefer to have it 1/4 maximum. I fiddled a bit with some CSS values, but could not find the correct oneā€¦
  • As justyns mentioned, the scratchpage is in fact a whole silverbullet, but I can live with that
  • nice to have: making the new page write protected within the new pane to prevent changing the links by accident

Anyone knows how / where to set the size of the panels?
I want e.g. from left to right:

  • 1/4 treeview (already about the preferred size)
  • 1/2 editor
  • 1/4 scratchpanel (or ā€œmyā€ linkpage)

Aargh :slight_smile: another (big) caveat:
I want to have a tag list in my side-panel. So far so good -
but if I click on a tag-link in the sidepane, the new page opens in the side-panel instead of the main panelā€¦
That renders this solution nearly useless for my purpose :frowning:

Does anybody has an idea how to tell the script to open links in the main-panel?

Thanks :slight_smile:

maybe you could make it open in a new tab instead? no clue, im not a dev lol

One thing I am doing that might be another option is that I use Sidebar extension in Firefox.

Then I load a specific page in the sidebar panel which has all my recent pages, and other shortcuts. And then by control-clicking links there which opens up a new tab next to the panel. Like other options it is loading multiple copies of Silverbullet.