Missing Delete Line command

I recently installed SilverBullet and am comparing my functionality to what is in the SB playground (play.silverbullet.md). Help: Version on shows 0.7.7 for both. However, looking at the list of commands in the play version shows a Delete Line with Ctrl-d key. Yet my instantiation does not have this command.

Did I do something wrong in my install? And is there an easy way to get this command? Since it isn’t a template (that I can find), I don’t see where I can find the implementation for this command on the play site.

Related, is there an ability to change the key for certain commands? For instance, I’d like to use the default Cmd-Shift-t command to pull up Navigate: Template Picker, however, that code is the Reopen Closed Tab in Edge.

Thank you so much.


This is a new feature not yet released (will be in 0.7.8), if you’d like to try it you have to run the edge version: Living on the edge (builds)

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If there is any way to change some of the command keyboard shortcuts, that would be great. Especially given the Shift-Cmd-t conflict with Edge. Thank you.

Go to the SETTINGS file and map “Navigate: Template Picker” to a new key under shortcuts. See Commands for default keybindings.

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I can’t believe I missed that. Thank you so much. That worked perfectly!