My first hours with SB

Let me just say that I both love and hate you. Love you for the tool, hate you for the time I’m going to nerd around with it :rofl:. Actually I should write notes, ain’t it?!

So here’s my current “thing”. Note, as context, I have been looking for years for a note app that isn’t a “website-builder”, but also lets me actually do “some stuff”. I don’t know why I never found SB sooner. Browsing “awesome FOSS projects” I stumbled over this… and liked the intro video too much to not try. And now apparently I am hooked.

Amended the Main Navbar as below

From left to right we have:

  • Sync mode (I cannot get in line with the default “reload” icon so I overrode the core code just to give me the chance to add wifi icon (more on that below)
  • Home (obvious one)
  • Reload system (the default {[System: Reload]} command)
  • Changelog (this is a changelog of my instance, more on that below too). The icon just goes to a page where I implemented this changelog table
  • Settings (goes to SETTINGS page)
  • Dark/Light mode switcher
  • Link to this community here
  • Add a Quick Note
  • Delete this page (where ever I am on)

I do not feel very comfortable with the Sync mode thing, somehow to me it appears a bit weird. When not live, it creates a bunch of “conflict” files in the system. But I will have to dig its use cases first a bit more

The changelog page

…because I constantly mess around I need to know when I last did something, and clean up.

It is basically a query with a custom template showing all pages, their names, last modified and a custom “delete it” button:

Clicking the button to delete, deletes that file in the row and throws a toast alert (see code below) on success or failure.

| Page | Time |
{{{page order by lastModified desc render [[Library/Personal/Templates/Changelog-Table]]}}}

And the template:

tags: template
displayName: "Changelog Table Template"
description: "Template to output the Changelog Table"
| [[{{name}}]] | {{humanDateTime(lastModified)}} | {[Delete It]("{{name}}")} |

The Cool thing there - the Delete It button :grin:
It is a custom command:

silverbullet.registerCommand({ name: "Delete It" }, async (name) => {

  if (name) {
    try {
      await syscall("space.deletePage", name);
      await syscall("editor.flashNotification", `File Name ${name} Deleted!`);
      await syscall( "codeWidget.refreshAll" );
    } catch (error) {
      await syscall("editor.flashNotification", `File ${name} does not exist!`);
  } else {
    await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "No file name provided!");

The Custom Sync Mode Swichter:

… because I cannot with the “reload”, I always click it thinking it reloads the page. And, I couldn’t find an actual inbuilt command for it…
Basically a custom command copy-catting core code:

silverbullet.registerCommand({ name: "Toggle Sync Mode" }, async () => {
  const syncMode = localStorage.getItem("syncMode");
  if (syncMode === "true") {
    await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "Now switching to online mode, one moment please...");
  } else {
    localStorage.setItem("syncMode", "true");
    await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "Now switching to sync mode, one moment please...");
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

Then simply hideSyncButton: true in settings and

- icon: wifi
  command: "{[Toggle Sync Mode]}"
  description: "Toggle Syunc Mode"

Additional space-scripts (how cool is that name anyway)

silverbullet.registerFunction({name: "humanDateTime"}, async (date) => {
  const dateStr = date;
  const dateObj = new Date(dateStr);
  const dateOptions = {
    day: '2-digit',
    month: '2-digit',
    year: 'numeric'
  const timeOptions = {
    hour: '2-digit',
    minute: '2-digit',
    hour12: false
  const formattedDate = dateObj.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', dateOptions);
  const formattedTime = dateObj.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', timeOptions);
  return `${formattedDate}, ${formattedTime}`;

And this one here The position of the cursor when the page is opened - #2 by Maarrk so when I navigate to a page cursor is at the bottom of page (this should be default, IMO)

And now I probably should take notes?


This is very cool, thanks for sharing this. If you don’t mind I’ll move it to the Tricks & Techniques category, because there’s a lot of cool stuff in here people may want to steal.

I’m very happy that SilverBullet works for you. And on the topic of the tweaking of your instance becoming a time sink in itself, I hear you. For me it’s even worse because I also work on the SB code base itself. Do I spend my time working on SB, my custom space features, or… just taking notes. I use SB for my work daily, so I have to use it, but… yeah it’s a trap.