My first hours with SB

Let me just say that I both love and hate you. Love you for the tool, hate you for the time I’m going to nerd around with it :rofl:. Actually I should write notes, ain’t it?!

So here’s my current “thing”. Note, as context, I have been looking for years for a note app that isn’t a “website-builder”, but also lets me actually do “some stuff”. I don’t know why I never found SB sooner. Browsing “awesome FOSS projects” I stumbled over this… and liked the intro video too much to not try. And now apparently I am hooked.

Amended the Main Navbar as below

From left to right we have:

  • Sync mode (I cannot get in line with the default “reload” icon so I overrode the core code just to give me the chance to add wifi icon (more on that below)
  • Home (obvious one)
  • Reload system (the default {[System: Reload]} command)
  • Changelog (this is a changelog of my instance, more on that below too). The icon just goes to a page where I implemented this changelog table
  • Settings (goes to SETTINGS page)
  • Dark/Light mode switcher
  • Link to this community here
  • Add a Quick Note
  • Delete this page (where ever I am on)

I do not feel very comfortable with the Sync mode thing, somehow to me it appears a bit weird. When not live, it creates a bunch of “conflict” files in the system. But I will have to dig its use cases first a bit more

The changelog page

…because I constantly mess around I need to know when I last did something, and clean up.

It is basically a query with a custom template showing all pages, their names, last modified and a custom “delete it” button:

Clicking the button to delete, deletes that file in the row and throws a toast alert (see code below) on success or failure.

| Page | Time |
{{{page order by lastModified desc render [[Library/Personal/Templates/Changelog-Table]]}}}

And the template:

tags: template
displayName: "Changelog Table Template"
description: "Template to output the Changelog Table"
| [[{{name}}]] | {{humanDateTime(lastModified)}} | {[Delete It]("{{name}}")} |

The Cool thing there - the Delete It button :grin:
It is a custom command:

silverbullet.registerCommand({ name: "Delete It" }, async (name) => {

  if (name) {
    try {
      await syscall("space.deletePage", name);
      await syscall("editor.flashNotification", `File Name ${name} Deleted!`);
      await syscall( "codeWidget.refreshAll" );
    } catch (error) {
      await syscall("editor.flashNotification", `File ${name} does not exist!`);
  } else {
    await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "No file name provided!");

The Custom Sync Mode Swichter:

… because I cannot with the “reload”, I always click it thinking it reloads the page. And, I couldn’t find an actual inbuilt command for it…
Basically a custom command copy-catting core code:

silverbullet.registerCommand({ name: "Toggle Sync Mode" }, async () => {
  const syncMode = localStorage.getItem("syncMode");
  if (syncMode === "true") {
    await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "Now switching to online mode, one moment please...");
  } else {
    localStorage.setItem("syncMode", "true");
    await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "Now switching to sync mode, one moment please...");
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

Then simply hideSyncButton: true in settings and

- icon: wifi
  command: "{[Toggle Sync Mode]}"
  description: "Toggle Syunc Mode"

Additional space-scripts (how cool is that name anyway)

silverbullet.registerFunction({name: "humanDateTime"}, async (date) => {
  const dateStr = date;
  const dateObj = new Date(dateStr);
  const dateOptions = {
    day: '2-digit',
    month: '2-digit',
    year: 'numeric'
  const timeOptions = {
    hour: '2-digit',
    minute: '2-digit',
    hour12: false
  const formattedDate = dateObj.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', dateOptions);
  const formattedTime = dateObj.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', timeOptions);
  return `${formattedDate}, ${formattedTime}`;

And this one here The position of the cursor when the page is opened - #2 by Maarrk so when I navigate to a page cursor is at the bottom of page (this should be default, IMO)

And now I probably should take notes?


This is very cool, thanks for sharing this. If you don’t mind I’ll move it to the Tricks & Techniques category, because there’s a lot of cool stuff in here people may want to steal.

I’m very happy that SilverBullet works for you. And on the topic of the tweaking of your instance becoming a time sink in itself, I hear you. For me it’s even worse because I also work on the SB code base itself. Do I spend my time working on SB, my custom space features, or… just taking notes. I use SB for my work daily, so I have to use it, but… yeah it’s a trap.


This is awesome. Thanks for the tips and scripts.

I used your template and scripts for my “Welcome” page where I also added the “Tags” column which includes all the page tags:

I discovered SilverBullet, two days ago, and I LOVE IT !!!

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@Mr.Red how were you able to get the tags for each page?

Where does the Delete It command get created ? Im struggling to figure it out and add it to my instance.

Also it appears humanDateTime was removed and its now niceDate. Can you edit your original code for others?

Those are the page tags from inside the frontmatter or from the top of the page. not tags inside the page text.

to get all the page tags, i used following template:

{{#each tags}}#{{.}} {{/each}}

here are the two complete templates which i used:

Template on the Welcome Page which includes the Table Header and calls the render template:

| Page | Last Modified | Action | Tags |
{{{page where tags != "template" and tags != "meta" order by lastModified desc render [[Library/Personal/Templates/ChangeLogTable]] limit 15}}}

and the Table generating template: [[Library/Personal/Templates/ChangeLogTable]]:

tags: template
displayName: "Changelog Table Template"
description: "Template to output the Changelog Table"
| [[{{name}}]] | {{humanDateTime(lastModified)}} | {[Delete It]("{{name}}")} | {{#each tags}}#{{.}} {{/each}}|

you can include it anywhere inside a



codeblock, but make sure to do a System: Reload after you do so. Same, applies for the humanDateTime function:

I personaly made a personal CONFIG folder where i put all the #meta pages and made a separate one for SCRIPTS, STYLE and CONFIG:

I would propose this change to support pages and tags with spaces in the names:

| [{{name}}](<{{ref}}>) | {{humanDateTime(lastModified)}} | {[Delete It]("{{name}}")} | {{#each tags}}#{{#if . =~ / /}}<{{/if}}{{.}}{{#if . =~ / /}}>{{/if}} {{/each}}|
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Well, this does not work and I do not see yet why! When the #<tag with space> is (correctly) generated, but it does not result in the same HTML <span/> as a correct link to a tag page. When clicked it leads to a page with the red pin, OK, but the URL is wrong (it includes the left and right angle brackets). On the oposite, the link inside the page is OK and if clicked it leads to correct page (without the bracket in the URL) that works. It seems to me that something somewhere inside SB should be relaxed to allow the spaces as well? @zef @Maarrk Related issue here.