I have the following query:
where page != ":builtin:"
select name
render all [[Library/tagi/templates/tags]]
and the following template accordingly:
tags: template
{{count(.)}} Tags:
{{#each .}}#{{name}} {{/each}}
The problem now is that not all my tags are shown. Only 67. When I am doing a re-index I can see in the console how it is processing. After some time, when I re-enter the query and leave it, it gets updated. This is how I can check if the tag count (and the tags) change: it does during the re-indexing. At one point the tag count is increasing up to around 100 and suddenly there is a point, were it goes down again.
Could it be that there is some kind of max-limit for the query results? If I limit the query to 10, I suddenly get a result of just 2 tags, which totally confuses me in the end.
Maybe my query or template is incorrect, though?
Thanks for any reply here in advance! (=
With this topic I got the idea to not use a template, but the inline thing already (somehow I still have to learn maaany things in Silverbullet, as it seems. It’s so cool!). With this I can see more tags, maybe all, not quite sure, since I am missing the count, but here it works to show more tags:
{{#each {tag select name where page != ":builtin:" order by name}}}#{{name}} {{/each}}
BUT it shows me, before it lists all the tags: “Error: Parse error in:” and then the tags start immediately without telling me where or what the parsing error is about.
Edit 2:
The inline “query” should be an inline template. Then there is no parsing error. Oopsie:
{{#each {tag select name where page != ":builtin:" order by name}}}#{{name}} {{/each}}
- Why does my initial approach not work?
How could I include the count for the tags after all?
Edit 3:
Wow, already found a solution to the second question and improved the template a bit, since this “where” condition seems not needed at all:
select name
order by name
})}} Tags
{{#each {
select name
order by name
}}}#{{name}} {{/each}}
I really have to dig deeper into Silverbullet and understand it better, for sure. Now I am still looking for a reply, why my initial method did not work as expected. Any clues?