What actionButtons do you use?

For a little while now, the action buttons (top right buttons in the UI) have been configurable in SETTINGS: SETTINGS

What are y’all using it for? My only adjustment is adding a button for Quick Note:

- icon: file
  command: "{[Quick Note]}"
- icon: home
  command: "{[Navigate: Home]}"
  description: "Go to the index page"
- icon: book
  command: "{[Navigate: Page Picker]}"
  description: Open page
- icon: terminal
  command: "{[Open Command Palette]}"
  description: Run command

Anybody using this for something surprising or useful?

What is your plan, if you will add a new icon in the future?

If you were customized the buttons with actionButtons, it wouln’t appear and you would miss that.

No plan. Just collecting creative uses of this feature. This is not a “I’m looking for stuff to remove” thread :wink:

Fine, but my take would be to let plugins add their own buttons to actionButtons. Maybe there should be a way to disable or reorg buttons, but primirarly I expect buttons to “magically” apper from plugins.

I literally feared to override the buttons because I feared to miss out new buttons.

Nothing special

- icon: home
  command: "{[Navigate: Home]}"
  description: "Go to the index page"
- icon: book
  command: "{[Navigate: Page Picker]}"
  description: Open page
- icon: terminal
  command: "{[Open Command Palette]}"
  description: Run command
- icon: sidebar
  command: "{[Tree View: Toggle]}"
  description: "Toggle Tree View"
- icon: moon
  command: "{[Editor: Toggle Dark Mode]}"
  description: "Toggle Dark Mode"
- icon: eye
  command: "{[Markdown Preview: Toggle]}"
  description: "Toggle Preview"

Hah! You’re using markdown preview! Who’s using markdown preview?


Here are mine. Nothing original. :slight_smile:

- icon: home
  command: "{[Navigate: Home]}"
  description: "Go to the index page"
- icon: search 
  command: "{[Search Space]}"
  description: "Search"
- icon: book
  command: "{[Navigate: Page Picker]}"
  description: Open page
- icon: terminal
  command: "{[Open Command Palette]}"
  description: Run command
- icon: sidebar
  command: "{[Tree View: Toggle]}"
  description: "Toggle Tree View"
- icon: arrow-left
  command: "{[Navigate: Back in History]}"
  description: "Go to the previous page"
  mobile: true 

Similar to everyone else.

- icon: home
  command: "{[Navigate: Home]}"
  description: "Go to the index page"
- icon: file
  command: "{[Quick Note]}"
  description: "Create a quick note"
- icon: book-open
  command: "{[Todays Note]}"
  description: "Open today's journal entry"
- icon: book
  command: "{[Navigate: Page Picker]}"
  description: Open page
- icon: terminal
  command: "{[Open Command Palette]}"
  description: Run command
- icon: sidebar
  command: "{[Tree View: Toggle]}"
  description: "Toggle Tree View"
  mobile: false

In addition to the usual, I have buttons to go back and forward and one for daily note. These come in handy on mobile devices.

Here are mine in mobile

- icon: Home 
  command: "{[Navigate: Home]}"
  description: "Go to the index page"
- icon: shopping-cart
  description: "Shopping List"
  command: '{[Navigate: To Page]("Shopping List")}'
  mobile: true
- icon: Book
  command: "{[Navigate: Page Picker]}"
  description: Open page
- icon: Terminal
  command: "{[Open Command Palette]}"
  description: Run command
- icon: sidebar
  command: "{[Tree View: Toggle]}"
  description: "Toggle Tree View"
  mobile: false
- icon: arrow-left
  command: "{[Navigate: Back in History]}"
  description: "Go to the previous page"
  mobile: true

Very new to to silverbullet, looking at editing these action buttons, I guess editing !SETTINGS should not be done as its grey and comes up in a red banner could not save page, retrying in 10 seconds.

This is where you would make those edits. Any chance you can tell if there are any errors in your logs or console?

You edit them in your space’s SETTINGS page. Since this is a meta page, you get to it via the Meta Picker (Ctrl-Shift-k or Cmd-Shift-k on Mac) or by running the Navigate: Open SETTINGS command

there is a SETTINGS page and a !SETTINGS page, the 2nd is populated with the stock settings, the 1`st is just a link to the 2nd i think

there are no errors on the logging ( docker ) on linux.

edit :–
ok sorted, there are user settings and system settings pages ) which are protected )